Archive for the 'Peeps' Category


Back on the blog

Aug 01, 2008 in Misc, Peeps


Ok, let’s try this again. So I finally upgraded my wordpress so that I could past from my new iPhone. It was kinda easier from my previous phone, the wonderful Nokia N95, but we will see how it goes from here on out.

The reason it took me so long to take the plunge into v2.6 is because the upgrade instructions made it seem like “if something goes wrong during installation” my site would be doomed. Needless to say, all is well (you are reading this post from the bathroom, aren’t you).

Album update - if anyone cares, the debut album is really really almost there. I started to compile all the current mixes and found some of them in need of a lil love. I hate to keep working on this, but shit has gotta be TIGHT! Stay tuned, true believers.

My daughter rOOlz

Jan 29, 2008 in Misc, Peeps, nerd

Jordan on the XO

My kid will pwn ur kid anytime, and she is only like one and a half years old. She already knows how to hack low security firewalls and launch DoS attacks. You will probably be getting spam from her botnets soon.